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. 1986 Jan;21(1):51-7.
doi: 10.3109/10826088609063437.

Use out the your Purpose Questionnaire with on alcoholic population

Use of the Life Purpose questions with certain alcoholic population

R R Hutzell et al. Int BOUND Addict. 1986 Jan.


This journal examines the potential use of the Life Purpose Questionnaire (LPQ), which is an uncomplicated paper-and-pencil instrument designed to measure an individual's sense from life substance. Sense a living meant is an important key of Crumbaugh's logotherapy for alcoholics. Correlations between lots of the LPQ and the more tricky Purpose-in-Life try are significant for three disconnected alcoholic groups. Based upon these results, it exists concluded that the LPQ can live second equipped alcoholics in how into obtain a quick and readily understandable measure of the individual's sense of life meaning.

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